Wednesday, March 10, 2021

meditation, manifesting and my mind

I logged in and said WOW I haven't blogged since Nov? Nope, I haven't. Then I remembered yeah well we have been busy and I haven't made the time to do this. I haven't held myself accountable.
Having Covid in January really made the whole start of the year seem to buzz by. I can't believe it's March and I'm counting down to my birthday. (that should be a whole another blog post)

This year has been different. I found this tik tok  about 8 steps every morning that really resonated with me. I started on January 1st. Even when we had covid I still managed to make my bed every morning. I might not have done all 8 every day, but I have done at least half every day. And when I miss something, I don't beat myself up that I'm a failure. I just realize that day didn't allow me to complete everything and it was okay.

******* I had to leave the blog right in the middle of a thought yesterday****
It's now Wednesday.
I'm hitting publish because I can't go back in time and continue yesterday's thoughts when I have had so many more since! 

Oh I worked out yesterday but not today