Friday, October 12, 2018

Oct 12

I did 10 minutes this morning. I'm running late to get a few errands I'm before going to the school.
I have a feeling I will be called into a meeting about cyber bullying so I need to hit the shower and go.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Oct 11th

OMG I did it. The whole work out! Jillian Michelles 30 day shred. It took me 5 weeks to build up to do it all. I'm so happy! Plus I have a little more support now encouraging me. It does make a difference.
Okay drink more water and stick to your meal plan! You got this.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Oct 10

Missed a couple of days because of soccer and general stuff! I was about to work out yesterday when I got a call from the nurse to pick up Alex. Luckily it wasn't anything serious.
I just did 10 minutes. I have to say, my arms are feeling stronger and I don't think they are as jiggly.
Little by little
Now time to hit the shower then work on cub scout stuff.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Oct 4

Great work out for me. I feel good. Feel like I can do this. I keep thinking about the Art Retreat I am going on in Jan. I don't want to be this horrible weight I am. I need to push. I can do this!
Drink more water!!!
Do it

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Oct 3

I know if I want to change I have to work out. Fought with myself all day yesterday, didn't do it. Today I did. It's something but I know it's not enough. I need to do the shake diet again but we don't have the money.
So I need to just control myself and not eat. Why is that so hard?
I am trying to envision myself thinner. I know I can do it. It's just hard doing it alone. I want it, so I should do it!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Oct 1

Day 22...But is it really day 22? I missed two days of doing the work out. I walked both those days instead
I guess my definition of days is when I do a dvd the whole time. So technically I'm not even on day one because I still haven't made it to the end of the dvd. That didn't happen until I was working out for 3 months. So these days I'm looking to measure haven't started yet. I'm still in my warm up months and that's fine. I will get there slowly and surely.
I think I'll change the title from day 22 to Oct 1 and just use the dates until I get through the whole dvd.
I worked out late. We had a bad start to Monday. Anthony was late for the bus. It wasn't pretty. Tomorrow we will do better. The kids are almost home from school.
I need a shower and have to get Alex to soccer.