Thursday, February 24, 2011

I am soooooooooooo hungry today!!!!

I am so hungry today that I could "eat my arm off" as my girlfriend Cara would say.

I haven't exercised one bit, shame on me... so I don't want to blow my diet, but man I just want to eat! I won't because my weigh in is tomorrow and just LOOK how close I am to losing 40lbs!! come on me!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm still dieting...

Yes I'm still here and still doing my diet. I haven't exercised almost all month. Things over here at home have been hard with several doctor apts and testing for my son. Then the melt downs that he has during the day are taking a toll on me. So if he naps, I nap instead of working out. I'm hoping after the last of his testing this week I'll make the time again.

I did drop 1.5lbs when I went to the doctor's last. I'm hoping for about the same when I go this Friday. And I'm really hoping that March is better than February!!

This has been another post in my Big Fat @$$ blog!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

two weeks...

Been two weeks since I could find some time to type out my thoughts with how I'm feeling and how I'm doing. To answer... TERRIBLE! I am an emotional wreck. There are so many things going on with my son that my head is spinning. doctors and more doctors and more doctors.

It's been so hard for me to focus on my own health and well being, because I feel so drained with what is going on around me. I think I am doing well on my diet, but I have found myself grazing for no reason. Just call me a moo-cow and put me out to pasture. When I'm upset I eat...and eat and eat... been upset for a few years now that's why my ass is so big!

I'm taking my meds when I'm suppose to, I'm drinking my shakes but yet there have been too many "cheats" specially when I can't sleep and I'm up with worry over my son.

I only worked out ONCE and that was today for 15 minutes. I didn't have the stamina to do more. My mind wants to, but my body is aching and tired from lack of sleep and a whole lot of worrying.

I see my doctor on Friday. Sometimes when I sit and talk to him I wonder how I don't break down in tears over how worried and upset I am. I have to keep on chugging... chugging.. that's a reference to my son's new favorite show Chuggington! The Chuggers hit the rails and keep on chugging.. that's what I have to do. Even if my heart isn't in this diet right now, the MINUTE I make excuses and give up, I'll gain everything back. So I must keep on chugging.

Thanks for reading my big fat ass blog