Sunday, July 15, 2012

I was in the middle of...

I was in the middle of blogging on Sunday July 8th when Cheryl called excited about her upcoming wedding and I dashed out the middle of Sunday night's blog and I haven't made time time to get back here since.

 I have plans to attack this big fat life I have and make it smaller just like my ass!! I think it's going to take longer to to make my life smaller than my ass.

I vigorously attacked cleaning the kitchen  on Sunday morning shortly after I awoke and fed Alexander this morning. The shocker came when the roommate said where do we start?

We got to work, I was cleaning off the counters, while he was taking down thew curtains. Anthony helped ans sprayed the window on the back door. I wiped off all my coffee art I have hanging up, threw some stuff out

Here's the kitchen before & after one side

before and after the other side

Anthony wanted to go swimming so I didn't get as much done as I wanted to.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Another day of more cleaning!

Holy Moly I'm a cleaning machine today! I was determined to get my dining room back! And I did it. Take notice of the photos from yesterday, there was a rug under my table. After four years that Home Depot rug had seen better days. 

I couldn't stand the stains or all the pulls from all the cats. Now that I am down to two cats from my "cat lady starter kit of 1995" I've had more than enough of the fur, hair balls and meowing. I am looking forward to being CAT FREE!!! Personally I don't want any more pets, but I'm sure if my boys beg I'll give in. I'll deal with that when it happens.

So here is the pig pen at the start of my day. I really never thought I would get it done.

I sorted all the clothes, bagged them up and put them in the corner of my room. That's another project and I can only handle one at a time. All the photos came off the wall and the window treatments were taken down and washed.

I made the roommate take down the child room divider between the kitchen and dining room. It needs to be cleaned too. Since Anthony has learned to stay out of the draws and Alexander isn't walking yet, I thought it would be nice to open the space up for a while.

The roommate and Anthony went to visit to his family for the evening and I got to work. I scrubbed the floor on my hands and knees with a homemade cleaner that I found the directions for on Pinterst, washed down all the walls, wood work and doors. I made a homemade wood polish from Pinterst and applied that to everything wood. Check out the shine in the photo above.

Once it was dry I turned the table sideways, hung the window treatments back up and all the photos.

The roommate took his boxes of crap to his storage unit too!! I am so pleased with how the room looks. It's the first room you see when you open the door to our apartment. The clutter and junk was getting to me. I hated coming home....well it's the people too but at least when I open the door it will look nice.

I even put some lemons in my square vase on the sideboard under the window, see them?

I still need to neatly fold Anthony's clothes that I am keeping for Alexander, pack them in the crates and put them in the basement. Clean the kitchen counter and floor, fold some clean clothes and put them away. And clean off the hutch in the dining room that you can't see in any of the pictures.

That's all on my to do list for tomorrow. My apartment is going to be neat and clean when the Early Intervention people get here Monday morning to evaluate Alexander. 

~~~~~~~~~beep   beep    beep    beep    beep    beep   beep~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We interrupt this blog post with a special announcement. 

The four year old BOSS came home looked around my clean dining room and spotted my vase of lemons!!! He asked for the "squeezey thing" to squeeze the juice out so he could make "Lemon Juice"

He made me kill my lemons!!! I was able to save two. Guess they have to go on my shopping list.

I didn't work out per say, but I'm sure the massive cleaning counts as something. I did stick to my diet!!!

My big fat life just got a little neater and I'm starting to feel my missing mojo come back.

Friday, July 6, 2012

I'm a very emotional person!

My moods are directly effected by the ones closest to me. And when there is too much chaos I'm in that black hole!!  Yeah I don't really want to hear I shouldn't let them bother me, because if I had figured that out I wouldn't have shoved food in my mouth all these years and I wouldn't be the moody bitch from hell that I am.

One of my BIGGEST problems is the roommate's hoarding!!! I feel like the house is falling in on me. I'm too overwhelmed with all of it, I can't figure out what to do or how to handle it. I have had people tell me throw it all out, but he goes ape shit and is scarey when you throw out his stuff... yeah yeah I can hear you guys.. call the police? Sure I call the police he gets pulled out of here, Anthony is screaming and crying, it'll be a scene. Then fine he's out.. then he'll go sleep on his Aunt's sofa or something. My biggest fear is that his family will make him cut off the money. And it's the boys who will suffer the most. I have to do this carefully and slowly.

I have been trying to clean the dining room for almost 2 weeks and it doesn't look like I did ANYTHING!!! I keep taking before pictures and there isn't one "AFTER" photo yet. Lets see how I do today.

Here is the dining room last week.

Here is the dining room today and I swear it's worse!

After 3 hours of sorting and folding and putting away here's what I had.

The minute the table was free of the clutter Anthony asked me to build him train tracks. I wonder if there's a job out there for me building train sets :-) That took me another hour to put the track together and make the bridges.

Then I continued to sort the ton of clothes.  From left to right; size 24 months/ 2t - size 12 & 18 months - to sell on ebay - stuff I want to keep and the basket in the bottom right corner is to get rid of ASAP.

What you can't see on the other side of the table are boxes from the roommate filled with stupid stuff that he thinks is important. I opened one box to see what was in there. No surprise books and junk.

That little box on the left of the above picture has this shit in it. Do you think ANY of that is important? I bet only 5 or so things are worth saving. Look there's a pen, key chain, blots, plastic wrappers from something, pieces of wire  and papers.  THIS IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO HIM!!! This is the crap that is in his storage unit. Look under that yellow paper in the plastic bag down on the right, under that is a scratched off lottery.

I could just throw it out but I don't want to suffer any more drama. His screaming at Anthony is more than I can handle. So I'm going to make him just move this crap to his storage unit tomorrow or Sunday.

I have a plan for that stupid storage unit too. Next year when I do the taxes, I'm making him open his own bank account and putting money in it. . I will also set up his pay check to deposit some money into that account as well. I will change the storage unit to come out of that account. I will tell him that his account, he can do whatever he wants with it.  Give it some time and he'll blow through that money and won't have enough for his storage unit and I don't give a crap what happens after that!! He needs his own account and needs to learn how to take care of his money.

I somehow did the dishes, cooked dinner, cleaned off the counter, fed the kids, sorted more clothes, bagged up 2 bags to give away, another 2 baskets of clothes to give to someone who needs clothes and then......
Anthony asked "Can we go to the park?" it was just about 7pm at this point. I opened the back door, decided it wasn't too hot and packed the cooler with drinks. The bags of clothes to get rid of went in the van. I sent the roommate and Anthony off to do that and then go to the park, while I pushed Alexander in the stroller for 1 1/2 hours!!! which equals 3 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did a drive around the blocks to figure out a route that equaled a mile. I ended up with 1.3 miles. I was running out of daylight but really was pushing to get the last round done. But when Alex started crying I knew he needed to be fed so I didn't finish the last loop around the dead end. If I had finished I would have done 3.9 miles but since I didn't finish I'm estimating it was 3 miles or so.

Some of it I ran but mostly I walked. I was so grateful for all the people who water their lawn at night. I parked the stroller and ran through the sprinklers. Talk about sweating like a pig. My legs are BURNING but I feel sooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!! 

When my phone went off and I heard "wwoo hoo text message" that just pushed me more. I'm amazed how when those who matter most to me are around how much better I feel. I think it proves I need to get away from the saboteur and the roommate who bring me down!!! Oh and lets add my brother into that mix too!!!

I am also thrilled to report I stayed 100% on my diet plan! Go me! What a day. I have plans to push myself again tomorrow. Work more on the dining room, swim with the kids and walk again. And most of all I can't wait to hear my phone say "wooo hoo text message" all day long! GOT THAT?????????


Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm stuck...

I thought I was stalled, but it's more like I'm sitting at a red light. Oh how I wish I was speeding through the light, but that's just not the case.I can't seem to find my motivation.

Somehow after the Christening and my long weekend away my mojo just vanished for everything. I can't seem to find it.

I recognize I do better when I have a goal so I have a few cute dresses 1 or 2 sizes too small but it doesn't seem like enough to get me out of this funk.

I guess that's why you should have a work out partner so when one of you feels like this, the other can push you.

Every day I tell myself I'll get back on track, stick to my diet plan and work out, but every day I fall on my face. I really am an emotional eater. I know it, I see it when it's happening, I just don't know how to stop it!!!! And right now I'm so very sad over so many things. I just can't shake it off. This is when I say that big black hole has me, this time it feels really deep.

When I get like this I see how stuck I am in my current life and how I just don't seem to have the time to make something of myself and work on any of the things I know I can make some real money from.  I haven't even had time to work on any of my scrapping duties on, I'm even thinking I should just give it up.

I'm lost and I don't know how to get myself back on track. I need a kick in my big fat ass!

I changed the look of my blog in hopes it will be a fresh start and get me out of this.

One last question for someone out there... why would you sign up to receive my blog posts if you haven't spoken to me in 8 months?