Two acquaintances I know had the surgery. One of them would go to Mc Donald's drive thru and get his normal 3 or 4 cheeseburgers eat them, then be so sick he would have to pull over and get sick. I saw him about a year after his surgery and he looked GREAT, I saw him 2 years ago and was shocked that he was bigger than what he was before he had the surgery! Guess those Mc Donald's got to him!
The other had the surgery I think within the last year.. because I don't really know this one very well. And every time I hear about her, she's sick OR I'm hearing where she went to dinner. WTF? really? This is how you treat your body after his surgery? Then I heard she said she's been having problems since the surgery... OF COURSE SHE IS!! Put down the donut and get your @$$ and work out!!!!
There are several more people I know who had it done. They continue to watch what they eat. I guess the point is it's all about changing your life!
When I read what you have to do BEFORE the surgery and how you have to maintain your life AFTER the surgery, I wondered to myself, if I did all that and followed the diet and worked out every day, why did I need the surgery???
I guess the answer is what works for you. The Center for Medical Weight Loss is not for everyone. Most people are surprised by the price. Others don't want to be on a liquid diet. You have to find what food plan works for you. THIS WORKS FOR ME!!
I will stick with this plan and work on learning how to eat the correct foods that give my body fluid and not just eat to eat. I will learn that I CAN have chocolate cake in moderation. And exercise needs to be a part of daily life!
Now back to Cheryl....that CRAZY B!T(H IS DOING THIS:
If that doesn't work for you view it here
Now she's planted the seed in my head and I must kill her! All I wanted to do was be able to run and the two of us go run in Philly and up the stairs of the museum like in Rocky.. but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO She wants to push my fat @$$ to do this crazy thing!!
It does have me thinking, so we'll see. Last year I started out doing Richard Simmons and this year I'm working out to that evil woman Jillian Micheals almost every day.. but not today!! I'm doing Debbie Sieber's Slim in 6 today.
So here I am.. game face on. I got a late start because I was visiting my friend Denise but if you thought I would miss a day YOU ARE CRAZY!
Here's my #1 fan
Done with my workout and I'm WHAT? - Sweating like a pig! How come those people on the videos don't look like pigs???
I wanted to do level 2 of Debbie Sieber's Slim in 6 but I couldn't find my resistance bands, so I did level one holding my weights the whole time. Hopefully I can locate them tonight and do level 2 tomorrow.
Time to do something fun, like fold laundry. If I'm lucky I'll do some scrapping, our big Amazing Digital Scrap Race at is coming up...which still sounds a whole lot better than Cheryl's spartan race
If you're following me, I hope you start to make your own plans and get up off your fat @$$ and work out
Thanks for reading My Big Fat @$$
Your # 1 fan looks adorable! im so happy to have gained a new workout partner :) lol