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I must be crazy, this is torture! All my muscles are burning. My thighs hurt going up and down my stairs and I keep asking myself why am I doing this??
1. so I don't die from a heart attack or other obesity related disease
2. so I won't be insulin resistance any more
3. to teach my boys you can do anything with hard work
4. I don't want to stop my boys from doing things just because I am too fat to do it too.
5. because I don't want a gastric bypass.
bonus answers:
1. to walk into a room and not say to myself "you're the fattest one here"
2. to stop buying clothes in plus size stores. I don't even know what sizes are out of a plus size store.
3. to own a little black dress
4. I want to run a marathon
5. and come on, the sex just has to be even better if I can be flipped around or upside down! Like this one looks like fun, and if I can get into that bridge position then these works outs are really working!
My stupid stupid scale totally hates me this week it's still saying I am up 2lbs. I am going to cry when I get to my weigh in on Friday.
I am still pushing myself. In the past I would have stopped dieting because the scale didn't move. But I noticed my stomach seems to be in more on the sides and I didn't get sick looking at a picture of me from behind! So something is working.
I was planning on doing Jillian Michaels again today and push myself to do more of those killer Surrender Exercise but the throbbing in my thighs hasn't
stopped since I did them yesterday. When I was laying in bed last night my quadriceps were on fire. Good thing I went to massage school, I kept rubbing them until they didn't hurt anymore. So I'll be skipping Ms. Michaels and doing Debbie Sieber today.
I'll be back to continue blogging after my kid is on the bus and I do my work out. (11am)
(back 3pm)
There is something wrong with me!! at the very last minute I switched DVDs from nice sweet Debbie Siebers who shows you other ways to do something if you cant or lets you march in place when it's to much to that mean b!t(h who yells at you Jillian Michaels!
I pushed myself and when she got to the surrenders I kept saying "come on 7!" and started giggling and thinking of this scene from Friends.
I did it, another day, sweating like a pig.. do pigs even sweat?
Not only did I make it to my goal minutes this week, I surpassed it! But I'm still going to kick and scream and CRY at my weigh in tomorrow at 1pm MY SCALE IS UP BY 2LBS!!!!
And to all my SKINNY friends who are checking on me, GET YOUR BUTTS UP AND MOVE!! if my fat ass has worked out 210 minutes this week, YOU CAN WORK OUT 10 MINUTES TODAY!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for reading My Big Fat @$$
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