Started Dec 30, 2011
Objective to have a healthy BMI and lifestyle, eat right and exercise:
1 st goal lose 29.5 lbs - goal met on April 6, 2012
2nd goal lose 10.0 lbs - goal met on May 4, 2012
3 rd goal lose 24.0 lbs -
Yes there is a reason my weight lost goals are crazy numbers. My first goal was to get off everything I had gained back while pregnant with Alexander, that's the 29.5 lbs. My 2nd goal was more like a WOW can I get off another 10lbs before the Christening? My 3rd goal is chasing after a number I haven't seen on the scale in YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!
My weight fat needs to fall between 22% and 34% so I have no idea where I will end up on the scale. But my goal isn't really about the number anymore it's about being strong, healthy and in control.
I did Jillian Michaels No more Trouble Zones again today and must say I miss 30 day Shred!! Even push ups seem harder. I was doing two sets of 7 now with the circuit she has them in, I can only do 1 set of 5! Holy cow I'm hurting! The back of my arms are about to break, the sides of my thighs feel like they are on fire, even my ass is sore! My big fat ass is sore...LOL
Here I am feeling like "yeah I can do this"
Here I am saying "why they hell did I start taking pictures, I'm so tired I want to die"
I still have a list of things to do today, but right now Anthony is hanging with Nonna, Alexander finally fell asleep and I'm thinking a mini nap would be good too!!! I was going for a walk/run today but AGAIN it's raining!
In other news, Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week. But things keep changing and I miss my favorite day of the week. Last Tuesday I messed up my favorite day with my damn melt down. This Tuesday was changed do to unforeseen circumstances. I am getting a little mad at the universe for screwing up my favorite day of the week!!
Ready for Wednesday!
Thanks for reading My Big Fat @$$
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