That stroller has to be close to 40lbs, it's Alexander who's 18.5lbs, his monitor, the car seat and the shoulders are KILLING ME!!!
I know you can't tell from the pictures but I was RUNNING up that hill, if you look my shoulders are all bunched up from pushing that thing. I keep telling myself that next year this time I'm going to be looking for one of those jogging strollers on eBay because Anthony and I will really be running. But in the mean time, my fat ass.. well in this case my fat shoulders are aching!!
Twiggy and I were talking about Fifty Shades of Gray on the walk/run and my mom said "Oh I heard about that I should read it huh?" We both screamed NO YOU SHOULDN'T I think my mother would freak with soooo many different things. First off she's a big "no sex until you get married" type person.. umm Mom do you try on shoes before you buy them? grrrr Well maybe her views have changed a little over the years but overall she thinks sex should be with someone you love.. well hell if they can't do it right, I don't want to love them! ;-)
Then last night I stayed up to create a special facebook photo cover for The Lemon Police's birthday on Sunday. Went to bed about 1:30am and at 3am Alexander's monitor went off. That was it I couldn't get back to sleep. I tossed and turned for a few hours and then at 5am I started reading another few chapters of Fifty Shades of Gray.
I finally went back to bed about 6:30ish, waking again at 7:30 when Alex started fussing that he was hungry. Fed him, got him back down and took another nap from 8:30 until 10:30. Anthony was still sleeping at 11:30 when I pulled him out of bed and told him to get up.
The roommate is suppose to take care of Anthony and get him down every night, but it's always a problem. I'm dealing with Alex and have to stay up for his last feeding, I give Anthony his bath get things ready for school the next day and start saying "Get him in the bedroom" around 8:30pm. Anthony likes to watch a movie or show before bed so all he has to do is sit in there with his lap top next to his son.. but nooooooooooooooooo, that's too hard for him. He seems to have to do a bunch of things right when I say "get him into the bedroom"
If I go in with Anthony and watch the movie, I'll fall asleep and that worries me. Now the stupid roommate can fall asleep ANYWHERE at any time. I have pictures of him that he's falling asleep while giving Anthony a bottle while Anthony was in his rocker. I could never let him stay up to be the one to take care of Anthony because I was always scared he would fall asleep with him in his arms and crush him to death so I won't let him stay up with Alexander either. So he has to be the one who gets Anthony down.
He just doesn't get this whole parenting thing at all. Hell he doesn't get anything, other than work.
Today I went to Anthony's school with Alexander in the baby sling for Anthony's field day. It rained so it was in his class room. I was there for about an hour, took some pictures, did two errands, came home, changed into my work out clothes, fed Alex, got Anthony off the bus and playing with Nonna, while Alexander watched Baby Einsteins. Once he feel asleep I had been sitting for about an hour and I could feel the aching in my shoulder and how tired I really am.
The stupid roommate just came home so I decided yesterday double work out counts for today and I'm taking a nap!!
I'm pretty sure this week is the week I won't lose much. It seems to happen once a month and it was on March 30 last time. My home scale hasn't moved at all this week and not for a lack of working out or drinking my water. So I'm not stressing over it, nor am I going to kill myself either. The weight is coming off, I'm doing everything correctly and getting enough sleep is also very important... so NAP TIME
Thanks for reading My Big Fat @$$
i wanna push that stroller ... when can i go on this run :)