Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 27 - work out 3 - still smiling

Today was the last day in my week. Tomorrow is my weigh in. Considering I was sick for 3 days I did pretty well almost reaching my work out goal.

I had another nice day, more birthday wishes and lots of smiles. I have a SMALL birthday cake in refrigerator that I will save for dessert on Sunday - Cheryl RELAX I will have a small piece.

Anthony had a half day at school, then we went to Target and did some shopping. By the time we got hope it was  6:30pm, Anthony went outside to play, I fed Alex, roommate came home..normal chaos

I didn't get my work out done until 10pm!! Before Cheryl here is a picture of the most important thing that happened yesterday... my new sneaks

onto my Jillian Michaels kick @$$ work out. Here is me before

Sweating like a pig after... I couldn't even get up!

Wish me luck for my weigh in tomorrow!!! Hopefully my big fat @$$ is less fat! I'll let you know
Thanks for reading My Big Fat @$$

1 comment:

  1. NO CAKE! lol i love the most important thing from yesterday your new feet lol they will take you on your journey! :)
